Why do we make all of our swimwear out of upcycled plastic debris from the oceans and upcycled fishing nets?

Because 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in the oceans every year. That is the equivalent to five grocery bags of plastic trash being stacked up on every single foot of coastline around the globe. It is estimated that ghost nets, transparent plastic (non-biodegradable) fishing nets, often over a mile long, kill millions of marine animals every year as they drift beneath the surface of our oceans drowning seals, whales, sharks, turtles, dolphins and other fish, and wiping out thousands of miles of coral reefs. Each year, at least 640,000 tonnes of nets and other fishing gear goes overboard and never comes back, and if left to drift in our oceans, these nets create mile long death traps.

But we believe this is unacceptable. Instead of creating new polyester fabric, which all non-recycled content swimwear is made from, we only use ECONYL yarn, made from upcycled fishing lines and marine plastic debris. This not only stops new plastic (polyester) from being created, but also helps our oceans, and allows us to create all Sage Larock swimwear out of the finest material, which is chlorine & sun oil resistant and has an SPF of 50. 
